I duly guide her to the path of a Jedi Guardian.\r\r*Logs*\r1) LS points\r\r*Making Handmaiden a Jedi*\r\rIf you have enough influence \u0026 complete the third training with Handmaiden, you can make her a Jedi. The angle of camera is different, I can't see everything, especially when she draws 'my' lightsaber. Are you all right? The sequel has a similar, though much more telegraphed twist, but the real shocker comes not from the Sith, but the Jedi. I trained with her 3 times and got her to put on her mother's Jedi robe and also talked to Kreia about her mother. This is a bug in the game engine, and while it cannot be totally fixed there are ways to make the bug less noticeable. Kotor II by default uses one texture for all dark side underwear. First of all, it reskins all of the Jedi robes in the game save the armored Jedi robes. Found insideFrom the tragic young Adonis to Zašhapuna, first among goddesses, this handbook provides the most complete information available on deities from the cultures and religions of the ancient Near East, including Anatolia, Syria, Israel, Sumer. By To train Handmaiden as a Jedi, you have to have enough influence and hold off on getting influence with Visas until you have enough with Handmaiden, so Handmaiden can become a Jedi and so you can learn Force Sight as well.

He must be in your party to gain influence.

According to the game's producers, the change of developers was because of BioWare's occupation with.